
Plants speak plain language via sensors and data platform


Sendot has been working with the 30MHz platform for the transmission, linking and transparency of data flows for some time now. The collection and real-time forwarding of detailed cultivation information is rapidly gaining in importance within greenhouse horticulture. This makes the collaboration between the two parties even more valuable. “We complement each other very nicely”, summarizes Hans Belt of 30MHz.

Up-to-date, detailed information is indispensable to continuously assure crops of the best growing conditions. Growers are therefore increasingly making use of climate and plant data collected by measurement boxes and sensors. The wireless transmission, structuring and clear presentation of these extensive and versatile data flows is daily fare for the people of data platform 30MHz. “Growers need a well-stocked toolbox. Our technology has a lot to offer,” says senior account manager Steven Madern.

Independent platform “Most growers on modern greenhouse horticulture companies control their cultivation with the help of climate computers,” says colleague Hans Belt. “If you also want to monitor other data flows and involve them in decision-making, you need a platform. 30MHz offers an independent platform. This means, among other things, that the user always remains the owner of the data and decides who may or may not use it.”

Connecting link
Connecting link The demand for these platform services is growing rapidly, also outside high-tech horticulture. Growers need a detailed picture of relevant parameters and that includes more than climate factors. If you are better and faster informed, you can make more informed decisions and achieve better results.

“To be of value, a platform must be able to connect different system components,” continues Madern. “Such as climate computers, meteor stations, wireless sensors and manually entered data. A trend in recent years is for growers to expand their toolbox with a range of specific sensors. We supply some of these ourselves. Sendot and other specialists can supplement that at will. Our platform is universal and not tied to particular brands or suppliers. That too is an advantage of independence.”

Unique sensors
Belt: “What makes Sendot interesting for us is its unique portfolio of high-quality, yet affordable optical sensors. Supplemented with our own sensors, we can always offer horticultural companies with diverse needs a complete, well-functioning solution. And that makes us an interesting partner for Sendot.”

Photosynthesis Efficiencyefficiëntie
When asked if he can cite an example, the senior account manager answers: “One of our customers grows soft fruit in greenhouses. He uses multiple photosynthesis efficiency sensors to track the 'heartbeat' of his crop. When his blackberries experience stress, this is immediately visible. Based on these signals and the climate data, he was able to quickly identify the stress factors and adjust the cultivation conditions in the desired direction. Those photosynthesis efficiency sensors are really a wonderful invention.”

Oxygen sensor
Madern adds: “Another example is a potted plant nursery that started logging the oxygen content in the pots using our Sendot platform and sensors. Like many growers, he was used to watering his plants early in the day. The measurement results showed that the oxygen content in the root environment remained too low for a long time after watering. In response, he moved the first irrigation cycle to late morning, when the plants were already fully active. This resulted in a demonstrable acceleration of growth, healthier roots and less plant loss. That was a real eye-opener.”

Always a solution
30MHz creates added value for its users by wirelessly connecting all system components, wherever they are. For example, a cultivation manager can monitor and control multiple production locations in real time. Advisors or suppliers can also monitor their customers remotely. For example, Sendot can not only track what its own sensors measure, but with the customer's permission can also view other data in order to interpret the information and to advise the customer remotely. “Very valuable”, Madern summarizes succinctly.

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