We help
you grow.

Get more out of your plant and process with Sendot sensors.

More insight for 
better quality

Our sensors make it possible to get more detailed insights into your cultivation process Our SenBox data platform collects the data from linked sensors.


Together with our customers, we optimise cultivation processes and make them futureproof.


“Our working method has been proven to contribute
to increased production, better quality, efficiency and durability.

Sensor sales & rental

Data interpretation & advice

Digitisation & innovation tracks

Research & product development

Een optimale (teelt)strategie door sensoren en begeleiding.

Gain new insights and maximum control over conditions with our affordable advanced sensors, integrated within existing production processes.

Customer testimonals

“More insight through Sensors and guidance”

The mobile FluoMini photosynthesis sensor provides Maarel Orchids with new insights to optimize cultivation. Cultivation manager Johan Langelaan is applying them, and achieving better results at lower costs. He is enthusiastic about the added value of his new tool. 





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Weerbare komkommerteelt

Glastuinbouw Nederland is bij Botany in Horst gestart met een interessante nieuwe proef gericht op weerbare komkommerteelt. Met behulp van onze geavanceerde fotosynthese- en zuurstofsensoren genereren

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