Sendot has invested heavily in the development of chemo-optical sensors in recent years. These sensors can be used very well to further automate laboratory processes.
For a renowned laboratory we recently produced XYZ Portal robots that are seamlessly integrated into their process. The goal was to automate two analysis processes. Two robots that can measure 400 samples in batches to determine pH, EC and buffering capacity. A second type of robot has been built for the determination of Phosphate in soil sample extracts by means of a colorimetric determination, batchwise in 200 samples. The colorimetric spectrometer was developed by Sendot. Both projects were delivered turn-key to customer specification.
Success factors
For the laboratory, these two robots mean that an important part of their process of manual analysis is made fully automated, with the advantage of more analyzes performed within a certain time and fewer errors due to human action.
Please contact us
Heeft u een labautomatiseringsuitdaging dan kunnen we u wellicht assisteren om uw analyse te vertalen naar een geautomatiseerd systeem. Wij bespreken dit graag in een vrijblijvend kennismakingsgesprek. Bel ons op +31 (0)30 636 8477 of stuur een mail naar info@